if you come across this webpage right now i am currently making the fandom pages, sit tight and they will come.

hello welcome to mail-main website

this is the mail-main website on neocities dot org wow a red blinky with text that says the mail-main button

!!this website is not optimized for mobile, or really any screen res other than 1080p!!

!!there is some javascript on a few pages, nothing too crazy (yet) but there is still some!!

who is this mail main fellow i'm hearing about?

that would be me. i'm mail-main. they/them, please. i make music, sometimes. i do youtube videos, sometimes. i like half-life 2 and team fortress 2 and, really, anything valve-related.
i also like bloons tower defense 6 and minecraft and undertale and,

listen, i like a lot of stuff. point is, i'm mail-main and this is my website on neocities dot org.

what can you do here???? on this very website????

fandom pages (pages specifically dedicated to things i like)

will contain spoilers for every franchise here! obviously.

kindly hosted by neocities